Privacy & Cookies


The data used above, in accordance with article 18 D.Lgs no. 196/03, exclusively for paperwork purposes and related processing, retained by deeds and to be disclosed only according to the terms and means established in Law.

ELS srl Unipersonale does not want to contribute in any way to the widespread phenomenum of sending spam via the internet.

For this purpose we inform you that your details will not be shared in any way via the net or passed to third parties, unless obliged to do so by Law or it is necessary technically in order to provide the service (obviously, in the event of sharing data with third parties, the user will be informed as to whom the data has been given and why).

The person responsible for the handling of data is the legal representative of ELS srl Unipersonale .The handling will be done using IT tools by the person responsible and his employees.

Handling of data is aimed at delivering the services requested, the accumulation of statistics regarding the use of those services and the sending of promotional information (which has been specifically authorised), either in digital or paper form.

In qualsiasi momento sarà possibile richiedere gratuitamente la verifica, la cancellazione, la modifica dei propri dati, o ricevere l’elenco degli incaricati del trattamento, scrivendo una mail a privacy@[NOME AZIENDA].it, oppure indirizzando una comunicazione scritta a: [NOME AZIENDA e INDIRIZZO POSTALE].

It is possible to request a check, the deletion and the modification of personal data or receive a list of those dealing with data handling free of charge by writing an email to, or by sending a letter to: ELS srl, Unipersonale, Via Filandro Quarantotti no. 2 – 66100 (Chieti) Italy.

As well as staying in line with the obligations foreseen by D.Lgs 196/2003, furthermore we guarantee the maximum attention to the protection of data from hackers and the immediate deletion from our lists upon request.

Disclosures are made only for this site and not for other websites browsed by users via links. By visiting the above-mentioned website, acceptance of the practices described in the disclosures about Data Protection is implicit.


Subsequent to the browsing of this site, data related to identified or identifiable individuals can be handled. The person in charge of handling data is: ELS srl, Unipersonale, Via Filandro Quarantotti no. 2 – 66100 (Chieti)


Data handling connected with the services of this website takes place at the aforementioned head office and are only dealt with by technical staff in the Data Handling department or by occasional maintenance staff.

No data derived from this web service is passed on or distributed.

Personal data provided by users who forward requests for informative material are used for the sole purpose of delivering the service or facility requested.


Surfing data, IT systems used and the software procedures supporting the correct function of this website acquire through normal usage, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of protocols when corresponding via the internet.

This concerns information, which is not gathered in relation to identified individuals but due to its very nature, through processing and association to data held by third parties, could expose the user’s identity.

This category of data includes IP addresses or the dominion names of computers used by users who connect to the site, URI addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier) of resources requested, the time of requests, the method used to make the request from the server, the dimension of files received in response, the numerical codes indicating the status of the data response from the server (successful, erroneous, etc.) and other parameters relative to the operating system and the user’s IT environment.

This data is used for the sole purposes of gaining anonymous statistical information about the use of the site and to check it is working correctly. The data is deleted immediately after being processed. The data might be used for investigating liability in the event of damage to the site due to computer crime.

Data provided voluntarily by users

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of emails to addresses found on this site will result in the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address needed in order to respond to the request as well as other personal data provided on the form. Summaries of specific disclosures will be progressively retained or viewed on the site’s pages predisposed for particular services available on request..


None of the users’ personal details are acquired on purpose by the site. Cookies are not used for transmitting information of a personal nature, nor are persistent c.d. cookies of any kind used, or systems for tracing users.

The use of c.d. session cookies (which are permanently memorised on users’ computers and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) which are necessary in allowing the safe and efficient exploration of the site.

The c.d. session cookies used on this site avoid recourse to other potentially prejudicial IT techniques which could influence users’ privacy when surfing and do not allow the acquisition of users’ personal identification data.


In addition to data supplied whilst surfing, users are free to provide personal data given on request forms or indicated in the “contacts” section in order to receive information.

Without providing data, it is impossible to respond to requests.

In accordance with article 13 of Code D.Lgs. 196/2003, we inform you of the following:

Destination of Data

Data can be collected for one or more of the following ends:

To provide access to reserved areas of the Portal and Portals/linked sites and to send offers, news, updates regarding ELS srl’s initiatives and companies checked and linked by them and/or sponsors.

The above mentioned data may be passed to third parties but only for the purposes of email marketing and for sending promotional offers.

To comply with the Law and regulations.

To manage contacts.

Handling methods used

Data will be handled in the following ways:

Data may be gathered in the appropriate database by Single-opt.

The registration and elaboration using paper and/or magnetic based support;

The organisation of archives in a predominantly automated way, in accordance with Technical Rulings concerning minimal security measures, Attachment B of Data Protection (Codice della Privacy).


All the data requested is obligatory.

To whom personal data can be passed.

Data gathered can be passed to:

1) Companies and businesses for direct mailing or similar activities.

2) Associations and foundations intending to purchase advertising space on lists or on websites and/or linked to the provision of a particular service.

3) Those who have to access data, as per the Law or as a result of by-laws or community laws.

Your Rights

In accordance with article 7 (Right of access to personal data and other rights) of Data Protection, we inform you that your rights regarding the handling of data are:

– knowing, via free access, the existence of data handling which could concern you;

– being informed about the nature and ends of data handling;

– obtaining via the person responsible, without delay:

– the confirmation of the existence or not of personal data which concerns you, even if not already registered, and the communication of data in intelligible form and its origin, as well as the logic and ends upon which handling is based; the request can be renewed, save for the existence of justified reasons, provided there is an interval of not less than ninety days;

– the deletion, the transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of data handled illegally, including data which is not stored in relation to the aims for which data was gathered or subsequently handled;

– the updating, the rectification or, if it concerns you, the integration of existing data;

– to legitimately fully or partially oppose the handling of personal data which concerns you even if it relates to the aim for which it was gathered;

– we inform you that the person in charge of data handling, in accordance with the Law, is:

– Company

ELS srl Unipersonale, Via Filandro Quarantotti no. 2 – 66100 (Chieti) P.I. 02471740692

In order to exert the rights as foreseen by article 7 of the Data Protection Act or rather to delete your data from the archive, you just need to contact us via one of the channels available. All data is protected by the use of an antivirus, a firewall and passwords.

Consent form regarding Data Handling

I, the undersigned and person concerned, having acquired the information provided by the person in charge of data handling in accordance with article 13 of D.Lgs 196/2003:

I agree, and give consent consent to the handling of my personal data for the ends as indicated in the aforementioned disclosures (provided that the data handling does not fall into one of the exemption categories mentioned in article 24 of D.Lgs 196/2003) –

I agree, and give consent to the passing of my personal data for the ends and to those indicated in the disclosures (in the event that the sharing of data is foreseen but does not fall into one of the exemption categories mentioned in article 61 and 86 of D.Lgs 196/2003)

I agree, and give consent to the sharing of personal data for the ends and scope indicated in the disclosures (in the event that the sharing of data is foreseen but does not fall into one of the exemption categories mentioned in article 24 and 61 of D.Lgs 196/2003)

I agree, and give consent to the handling of sensitive data as necessary for the procedures mentioned in the disclosures. (in the event that the handling of sensitive data is also foreseen)